Who is Dr. Kevin Kloesel?

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  3. Who is Dr. Kevin Kloesel?

Kevin Kloesel, Ph.D., is a globally recognized expert in event safety meteorology and serves as Zelus's Chief Meteorologist and Chief Science Officer.



Dr. Kevin Kloesel: Weather Safety and Education Expert

Leadership in Weather Safety

Kevin Kloesel, PhD, was critical in ensuring weather safety at the University of Oklahoma (OU). He provided forecasts and decision-making support to the OU Department of Campus Safety, guiding protective measures before, during, and after weather events. His expertise was instrumental in facilitating campus closure decisions and safeguarding over 30,000 students, faculty, staff, and 40,000 summer camp participants.

Educational Outreach and Training

A dedicated educator, Dr. Kloesel led high-impact weather safety training programs for K-12 students, educators, and emergency management agencies. Internationally, he has delivered workshops on improving weather forecasting and decision-making in countries such as Korea, China, and Nigeria. He also trains prominent organizations, including the NFL, NCAA, and NASCAR, on weather preparedness for large-scale events.

Director of the Oklahoma Climatological Survey

As Director of one of the nation's largest climatological surveys, Dr. Kloesel oversaw the Oklahoma Mesonet, a premier weather observation network. This role supports critical weather and climate data analysis for stakeholders across the state and enhances disaster mitigation through the Oklahoma Hazard Mitigation and Drought and Flood Task Forces.

Awards and Recognition

Dr. Kloesel’s groundbreaking work has earned him numerous accolades, including:
- Innovations in American Government Award from Harvard University for his contributions to emergency management.
- Charles E. Anderson Award from the American Meteorological Society for advancing meteorological sciences.
- Recognition from the National Weather Association and other prestigious organizations.

Media Presence

A trusted voice in meteorology, Dr. Kloesel has appeared on ABC Nightly News, NPR’s Talk of the Nation, The Weather Channel, and numerous other platforms. He is also a frequent keynote speaker at events such as the National Tornado Summit and SXSW Eco Conference.

Global Impact

Dr. Kloesel collaborates with organizations worldwide to advance weather safety and education. His work includes developing weather-related curricula, designing museum exhibits, and consulting on safety planning for mass gatherings.

Academic Contributions

A tenured Associate Professor, Dr. Kloesel’s research spans synoptic meteorology and the societal impacts of weather events. His leadership extends to mentoring future meteorologists and developing tools integrating weather data into decision-making processes.

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